Grocery Challenge: Kroger

This past weekend we did our shopping at Kroger. Kroger basically has a grocery monopoly on Memphis as it is our only traditional style grocery store. Which is why perhaps other speciality chains are popping up in our city. 
Anyway, here’s the haul: 
We spent $91.45 and unlike Sprouts this covered everything we need for the week (except the 2nd gallon of milk – we never get two at once) 
Most meals will cover 3 to 4 servings allowing Shaun to take leftovers for lunch (I prefer fruit and oatmeal during the day) 
Pot Roast with Potatoes and Veggies – 4 meals 
Can you tell we are meat and potato kind of people? I was really trying to give Kroger a winner with this meal since it’s an established favorite in our house. The roast alone was $19!!! Honestly, we were both disappointed, even with a seasoning packet added this didn’t have much flavor nor was as tender as the one from Sprouts two weeks earlier. I honestly feel like we would have been better off going to the nearby western theme “steakhouse” that offers two for $14.99 meals Monday – Wednesday, at least we wouldn’t have had to fool with dishes. 
Sweet Bourbon Pork Tenderloin with potatoes and Veggies 
Chicken with cheddar rice and brocolli 
Parmesan Pasta and Shrimp 
Grilled Cheese (this is what happens when Shaun participates in the shopping, a meal with no nutritional value gets added in) 
So from a spending / meal viewpoint Kroger is the better value. But we’ll have to wait for the week to go by to make the final determination. 

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