Zyto Scan Review

Recently I received my first Zyto scan. And I know most of you reading this are thinking, what the heck is a Zyto scan??? 
There’s a graphic below but basically a Zyto scan is a device to read the bio-markers of the body (there are 76) and provides feedback on “out of range” markers and recommends products as a result. The Zyto scan does not diagnose or treat medical conditions, that’s what doctors are for y’all. Because I received my scan at a Young Living class, my results were for Young Living products. 
The scan is painless and easy, one simply rests their hand on the cradle like so and watches a quick video on the process: 

This is me getting my scan 

A diagram of how it works 
After a few minutes received my results! Of 76 bio-markers 19 were out of balance, which isn’t bad. I’ve really been making a push to focus on my health so I was pretty pleased with the results. 
Here’s my report: 

I really love how in addition to recommendations the report discussed how many bio-markers can be addressed with each product. It is recommended focusing on the ones that would support five or more bio-markers. 

Here are my recommended products: 
Awaken™ is an inspiring combination of several essential oil blends that helps bring about inner awareness and awakening. True understanding of one’s self is the first step toward making successful changes and desirable transitions. This blend may help you progress toward your highest potential.
Rehemogen™ contains Cascara sagrada, red clover, poke root, prickly ash bark, and burdock root, which have been historically used for their cleansing and building properties. Rehemogen is also formulated with essential oils to enhance digestion.

Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora) has a spicy, camphorous, warm scent, similar to eucalyptus but softer. The people of Madagascar hold it in high regard.

So, my highest out of range bio-marker results deal with emotions. And when I read the description of the recommended oil I nearly cried, it is so on point. Latley there has been a lot of focus and looking within as I’ve been thinking about where there are areas of my life I always fail in and how I can break the cycle. How the heck did a little machine pick up on that?!?!? 

My next highest recommendation deals with cleansing. And wouldn’t you know I’ve been thinking latley you know, a raw food week or juice cleanse would probably do me some good right now. These results only confirmed what I felt like my body was telling me. 

My final result was a small one, literally just one, but it’s an oil I received for FREE with my July order so hey, why not. Most people use Ravintsara for immune support, who doesn’t need more of that in their life? 

Overall I was very impressed and felt like the results were on point. There were many ladies in attendance and the scan really did pick up on individual needs (for example two very athletic girls received a lot of muscular support results). I know any of you reading this will want to get your own scan. Right now the Zyto our grouped used was borrowed and had to be sent back home but there may be one in the MidSouth soon so let me know if you are interested and I’ll be sure to update you with the next Zyto scan event. 

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