Grocery Challenge – Whole Foods

I’m back on the grocery challenge track! With a car in the shop / shopping for a new one and then heading out of town our home routine got all messed up. But now I have a new car and we’re ready to eat at home for a few weeks before heading out of town again. 
This week we did out grocery shopping at the new Whole Foods in Germantown, mostly because we got a $10 off coupon in the mail. This is now the 2nd Whole Foods in the Memphis area, we basically live in between the two but hey $10 is s big motivator! 
The new store offers all the bells and whistles the East Memphis store offers only instead of a BBQ restaurant is a crepe bar, yum! Savory crepes are $7 and dessert crepes are $6 – I am sure this will be a quick dinner for us sometime in the future. The new location also has an upstairs community room and kids area, sorry I didn’t check these out so no clue if you can drop off kids and shop or if the community room is available for small groups to use, that would be AWESOME! If you know any deets please leave a comment. 
Anyway, here’s a haul: 
Meals this will provide: 
Pot Roast 
Bow ties and Brocolli 
Pork Loin 
Tomato Cream Pasta 
Asian Dumplings 
Plus obviously all the sides to make meals out of the above. We also got bananas, apples and a cantaloupe and cereal (for Shaun) and granola bars (for me) to have breakfast items on hand. One thing we didn’t get – milk; it was $5.99 a gallon, aww hell no! 
So again, you can tell we’re eating the similar meals to previous weeks. This is on purpose for several reasons: 
1. It helps to compare taste / quality vs price when we get the same type of items at each store 
2. We’re creatures of habit, me especially.  I seem to have a lot of failures with Pinterest recipes 
3. It’s meals we can agree upon. I believe that the person doing the cooking (me) shouldn’t have to cook food the don’t like, but also everyone in the house should be pleased with the meals so we’ve been sticking to some tried and true mutually agreeable meals. 
Obviously I won’t be able to give my thoughts until I cook but overall I like the shopping experience of Whole Foods. We spent $82 ($92 plus our coupon). $92 is pretty similar to spends on other weeks but we got less meat and had to be real careful not to just grab items but check prices. I’m most excited for the tomato cream pasta – I tend to crave this dish often and there’s really only two spots in town that do it well , one is pricey and one is far from our home. And again, due to price and limited options there was less junk food purchased. I’m legitimately excited to get cooking with these items! 

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