12 Days of Oily Goodness

December – a time for merriment, a time for generosity, a time for worship . . . But also a time for getting ready for New Years resolutions. 
One of my biggest resolutions for 2015 was to get my health in check. Although I wish it was reflected on my waistline I feel like this was something I really made big strides towards this year and one way I have done this has been by going natural. But, 2015 has been an AWFUL year for organization. So after thanksgiving I was going through my essential oil collection scattered about my house and thinking of a solution and when I got them all together I realized that thanks to earning freebies throughout the year I have a nice little stash of unopened dupliates. Hmm, what to do? 
Well, I really truly am grateful and passionate about the way essential oils have blessed my life and so I figured what better way to take advantage of this excess than to share the love. So this month I’ll be hosting 12 days of oily giveaways! Participation will be simple: each day I will post the giveaway for the day and link a short (seriously, under 5 minutes each) video. Just watch the video, comment on the post and watch a winner selected daily. I’ve already got the prizes packed up and just need a winner’s addresses to send them to! 
You can win multiple days so don’t feel like you have to hold out on participating, here’s the items I’ll be giving away: 
1. 4oz of Thieves Cleaner concentrate 
2. Orange Blosson foaming facial wash 
3. Cinnamint Lip Balm 
4. Orange Oil 
5. Tangerine Oil
6. Lemon Oil 
7. Citrus Fresh Oil Blend 
8. Grapefruit Oil
9. Beauty Serum Roll-On
10. Jasmin Perfume Roll-On 
11. Beauty Sleep Blend Rolll-On (contains peace and calming oil) 
12. Lavender Oil 
I hope that if you’ve been skeptical about oils you’ll watch a video or two and try one for free but also welch my existing oily friends to participate. 
Happy Oiling Y’all! 

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