Last week I told y’all the story
of my something old so it only makes sense to next talk about my something new
which like for most brides was the rest of my wedding ensemble.

Bridal Portrait

This is where I’m a little bit
different from most brides here – the dress was not my top priority. Initially
I wasn’t going to even look at dresses until close to the wedding and my first
thought was to get an ivory or champagne colored formal gown instead of an
actual wedding gown. However, soon after I got engaged my Aunt Jane not only
called to send best wishes but to talk to me about shopping for a dress. To be
honest I didn’t expect to have that special, OMG this is MY dress and I’m
getting MARRIED tearful experience and a lot of this had to do with knowing
that my mom would not be there to shop with me. But having other family
involved gave me the enthusiasm to go shopping. The first time we looked at
dresses was more of a casual, let’s see what’s out there visit and my dad,
sister, grandmother and aunt all came. I’ve mentioned it on here before but I
really didn’t want a ball gown, thinking I was too old for the princess look and
I certainly didn’t want strapless – it was my sister who convinced me to try on
the strapless, ball gown I wound up with.  We left the first day feeling like I’d done a
complete 180 on styles (this apparently happens to most brides) and a few days later
my sister, aunt and I headed in for a more in-depth appointment. I tried on
about 10 dresses that day and came back to the one from the first visit. I
decided I absolutely wanted to have sleeves but that was an easy add and I also
preferred a more simple belt than the one with bling all around that came with
the dress but with these changes I said yes to the dress.

The Dress

The simple but beautiful sash
Button detailing in the back

What really made the outfit IMO
though is the veil. OMG, I am obsessed with the veil and I’m a little sad I’ll
never get to wear it again . . . who am I kidding, I’ll totally try it on at
home from time to time. Although I love the look of a full length veil I didn’t
feel it really went with my non church venue. Also, I’m super clumsy and that
would have just been one more thing to trip over or get stuck. Side note: total
self shout-out for never tripping over my wedding dress! I think the veil I
wore was a perfect length and suited the dress quite nice; as much as I love
lace on other people I love, love, love the ribbon trim and layers for me and I
love the way the layers cascaded when placed right – in looking at my pictures
that I probably my one regret is that I didn’t do a better job of repositioning
the veil because I love it that much!

With my dad in the bridal suite

During our post ceremony portrait session

To complete the Princess look I
also wore a tiara, which again was something I didn’t initially want. It was
however surprisingly comfortable and with the way my hair was done and the simplicity
of the dress and veil I think it added just the right amount of bling and wasn’t
too in your face of omg look at me, I’m a princess. At least I skipped the
white gloves. The tiara was a really great find actually – it was only $25 at
the Nashville flea market – the ones in the bridal store started at $100!

finishing touches
Getting ready with my sister and Aunt Jane
At the end of the day I’m pleased with my overall bridal look. I wanted a dress that was simple and timeless and I think my outfit did a good job of making me look the bridal part without taking over as the main focus but what I love most about my dress is the love behind it and the special family memories it now holds.

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