I really thought 2017 would be the year I would do it – the year I would stop talking about politics on this blog but I just can’t do it. Yes, I like fashion and crafting and all sorts of “girly” things but sometimes you just have to be a serious person and talk about serious issues and I’ve realized through conversations that more and more people may feel the way I’m feeling. Until last summer I always considered myself a Republican and always voted along party lines but I felt more and more like the GOP didn’t represent me, who I am as a person and my beliefs and I decided I no longer wanted to be associated with it. I say that I feel more aligned with the libertarian party but I find some of their abolish government ideals to be a little too extreme for my comfort and while I agree with democrats on many issues there are still those I find to be too based in a utopia rather than our actual society and thus I find myself without a party.
Immigration – The GOP has become increasingly anti immigrant and that really really bothers me considering how hypocritical it is. Thanks to ancestry.com I’ve learned that not even all four of my grandparents were born in this country so who am I am vote that others shouldn’t have the same opportunity my family had 100 years ago. I don’t like talking about my work on my social media so excuse me for being very vauge here but to be quite frank I have seen time and time again throughout my career where immigrants are quite frankly better workers so this whole “stealing jobs” things is nonsense. I also have a huge moral dilemma with denying Syrian refugees entry into the US. Do I think that people should come to this country legally, pay taxes and if they want to stay pursue a path to citizenship? Absolutely, but I also think we should have an easy path to legal immigration so that there’s no need to come illegally.
Pro Life Stance – I think being pro-life is a very fine standard to have but quite frankly it is a position that has no business in government. I’m soooo tired of hearing people tell me they voted for Donald Trump because he’s going to make a pro-life Supreme Court nomination. I support everyone’s right to be pro-life or pro-choice but life does not stop at birth and if you do not support the life of the child and mother beyond your pro-life vote than sorry not sorry but I have 0 respect for you and your position. I have incredible respect for people who are truly pro-life and give with their time, love and money towards this cause but I don’t think making abortion illegal is the answer. I would love to live in a country where there was a loving home for every baby born regardless of the circumstances of the birth parents but until we as a society can provide that I don’t think we have any right to judge anyone for their choices.
Anti LGBT legislation – We live in a scary, dangerous world and some morons want to occupy their time worrying about where Caitlyn Jenner goes to the bathroom in the name of keeping “wives and daughters” safe. First off lets note here than GOP legislators haven’t introduced these bills to keep women safe, they specifically use the wording “wives and daughters” – sorry ladies but unless you can be referred to in regards to your relationship with a man than no one gives a shit about you and your safety. You’d think wow, these republicans really care about women, it’s about damn time but do you know what I heard from these same damn people when Brock Turner got six months of jail for rape? Not a damn thing – it’s just more hypocrisy. I also think there is something else that needs to be said and said often because apparently people don’t get it – if you don’t like gay marriage don’t get gay married! I will never, ever be able to support the idea that the government has any business telling two people who share a life together that they can or cannot marry.
Anti Woman – Perhaps it has always been this way but I have found the GOP to be increasingly anti-woman and not just on a national level. I’m my on home state of Tennessee as one example a vile state legislator was finally ousted from office for his long term harassment of women (yay!) BUT, he was also defended by many republicans – including the representative of the upscale suburb I’m looking to move to (I am not looking forward to being represented by this mindset). On a national level I just can’t even being to discuss the words of our President but I think we all know it’s not good.
So reading this you might say well, MandySue it sounds like you should join the Democratic party but honestly I think they are just as bad. I support personal choices but come on Democrats, kinda like being pro-life needs to go both ways so does supporting choice. If you’re going to support the right of a same sex couple to marry than you should also support the right of a Christian business owner choosing to bring their religious morals into their business practice. Also, I want to know where is this fictional town large enough to have a Hobby Lobby but lacking in any other employment options that do cover birth control. And the rabid hatred of Hobby Lobby is quite frankly frightening and very off-putting. I also don’t believe in free college for everyone and find it to be one of the most economically ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard – there are many jobs in this country (jobs that we need to survive as an economy by the way) that do not nor never will require a college education. The one wise thing Marco Rubio said during his short lived Presidential campaign is that what we need “is to take away the stigma of blue collar jobs” – YES! It’s embarrassing that we as a society would look down upon anyone working hard making an honest living. And I know I’m really going to get roasted for this one but Obamacare does need to be repealed and replaced – not because people having health insurance is a bad idea (it’s a great idea, get insurance people!) but the ACA model is not a long term viable model – if every young person bitching about how not supporting Obamacare is wanting people to die would go out and pay into a healthcare system themselves then the system could support the sick people needing coverage.
What I’m frustrated most by is the voting along party lines and I think the recent confirmation of Betsy Devos as Education secretary is a prime example – most of the country both Democrats and Republicans were against her confirmation and yet thanks to voting along party lines she has been confirmed. At the end of the day I want to wake up, go to work (well I mean not really but I’m talking about my real world wants here) earn a decent living, go home and live my life according to my own morals in a way that doesn’t infringe upon anyone else’s ability to do the same. I want to contribute my fair share (no more, but no less) to the common good to support things like schools, roads , and military protection. I want to live in a society that helps those in need without creating a system of dependence , welcomes outsiders , doesn’t destroy the planet, and is a safe place to raise my children. At the end of the day I think most of my fellow Americans want the same but unfortunately that’s not what any political party is about right now so until there is one I will remain without.