Wardrobe Wednesday – Sequin Skirt

I love skirts and I always have. When I was a kid I wore skirts to school most day (fact: I didn’t  own a pair of jeans until I was 11) and although I wear jeans to work frequently as an adult skirts are still my favorite article of clothing. A few weeks ago I posted about my love for tulle skirts but another novelty skirt I love is the sequin skirt.
I got my first sequin skirt in 2015 and it quickly became my night out / party staple.
This was pretty much my uniform for the 2015 holiday season: 

 looking back I think a non turtleneck would have been better.
When it was time for my bachelorette party I broke from the bride wears white tradition and work my favorite party skirt.
Yeah, this picture is poor quality, there’s not a lot of pictures from this night so this is what I’ve got.
Recently though I decided to take my “party skirt” and see if I could make it work for a daytime look. Here I have paired with a chambray top and boots.

Although I’d prefer heels in the future this might be one of my favorite outfits ever!
My current sequin skirt is from target and cost $24.99 (oh yeah!) but I’d really love one from society plus. I tried the sequin pencil skirt and decided its not for me, I like a skirt with a bit more swing.
I think sequin skirts are fun, festive and surprisingly comfortable. It’s so easy to wear the same pair of jeans everyday or convince myself I’m not doing anything “special” enough to warrant sequins but I want to be better about using the stuff that’s in my closet and not just saving something I love for special occasions. I still think sequins are too much for the office but make great afterhours and weekend wear.
I’ll probably be investing in another sequin skirt soon in either rose gold or silver. Here’s some of my favorite daytime sequin pins I’ll be using for inspiration in my future outfits.


Sequins are for special days but you know what, everyday we’re alive is special and I intend to embrace it!


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