Wardrobe Wednesday – 1 month update

Hello Friends! Now that I’m done with Wedding Wednesday I’ve decided to shift my regular Wednesday to the big thing I’m focused on right now – my wardrobe! If you’re not friends with me on FB, or you are an have me hidden due to political differences (hey, it’s the world we live in, I get it) you might have missed that on a regular basis I’m posting my OOTD (outfit of the day) to be voted on for keep, restyle or purge. So far the votes have been really helpful and between the votes and stuff I’m purging on my own I have quite the purge pile developed.
Here’s the most popular thing I’ve posted:
This plaid top from Old Navy was purchased during their black Friday sale when the entire store is 50% off – I usually take this as a go time to stock up on cotton tees and other basics but I was really drawn to this color combination when I saw it in store. So far this has been the only piece I’ve posted that has received a 100% keep vote so I’d say the $14 I paid was a pretty solid investment. Since I work in a warehouse environment I can dress pretty casually for work so I can wear this any day of the week. I usually pair with dark jeans, boots and some fun jewelry for a casual, comfortable but no I didn’t just roll out of bed look. I’ve also paired it with a hot pink cardigan but sadly that got ruined recently (it was a sad day).
Meanwhile, the most un-popular piece I’ve posted is also from Old Navy:
While the pants were a love or hate item pretty much everyone agreed the button down shirt was a flop, who knew such a basic piece could be such a failure? I think this piece doesn’t have any structure and wearing it lose gives it no shape or substance; if I was the type to tuck in tops I think it could work (ie it’d be fine on a thinner person) but based on feedback it’s made its way to purge. The pants have also been purged because as much as I like them I was just having too hard of a time with tops to go with them.
While some pieces have the votes tend to go one way or another some can be a pretty even split and this on here had the most divided votes:
This poncho is from Crown & Ivy at Belk and between the loud color and the fact it’s not a regular top I think it’s a dramatic piece that’s not for everyone. Personally I think it’s fun but ultimately I decided to keep it because right now I’m on a weight loss meal plan program and I like that it’s not a size specific item – I also think it’s something good to keep tucked in a drawer and pull out for going to the movies or traveling – stylish blanket!
As of yesterday I have put 20 outfits up for vote. Sometimes I re-wear pieces or I wear something I don’t want opinions on so there’s no need to put it to vote. Right now I’m finding myself at a bit of a standstill because while there’s still a lot in my closet it’s stuff that’s not seasonally appropriate or fit 20lbs ago but I’d like to see if I can fit back into it before I’m ready to purge. Lately though I’ve been trying very hard to pull out wearable pieces that have not yet be voted on to wear each day.
As far as purchases go I’m proud to say that I have only purchased 2 items of clothing in 2017 – a black dress and a quilted pullover. The pullover was actually an annual sale purchase and while it’s comfortable it’s not as cute on me as it is online so that was a little disappointment but you live and learn – at this point in 2016 I had probably purchased at least 10 items and half of those are most likely in my purge pile. I’m pretty close to purchasing another item off my investment list as Neiman Marcus has put the cashmere sweaters on sale and there’s another piece I’m in love with but I don’t have the budget for in February so I’m hoping it’s still available come March 1. Because I’m doing a meal plan ad making a big investment in that I’m hesitant to look too seriously at clothing right now, plus I’m hoping to get some versatile pieces at a great price come April 9th when Target releases the Victoria Beckham for Target collection (no lookbook yet, grr!)
Overall I think I’m doing well on my wardrobe makeover aim but it is a long and slow process. Starting next week I’ll begin showing off some of my favorite pieces and the variety of ways I wear them .  

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