Date Box – Sushi Making

Happy Monday friends! Let’s start the week with something exciting – A GIVEAWAY!
Y’all know I love subscription boxes and the most fun of the ones I receive is Date Box. Date Box puts together a fun date night idea and sends all the supplies right to our door. Confession – I have a stack of four boxes we haven’t used. Honestly – space has been an issue but all of that will change soon as we move ot our new house. AND, since we’ll be focusing on furnishing our home having a back log of boxes (ie dates without spending money) will be really nice. This month the folks at Date Box included a gift card for a free box to giveaway so checkout my instagram to enter.  
But first, let me show you our most recent box:

This month’s date is a sushi making night and includes the materials needed to make the sushi and a shopping list for the fresh ingredients. One thing I really like about Date Box is that it gives you great ideas that you could repeat by using the included tools and just repurchasing materials.

In addition to making sushi the date includes two additional activities, Sudoku and origami. There’s also a spotify list included each month to set the mood.

Here’s the sushi suggestions, but you could also go rouge and find a recipe online because the items included aren’t specific to any roll.

In addition we received a gift card to Hello Fresh, which is exciting because we’ve definitely been considering this service.

Here’s the tea cups that came in the box, how cute!

I’m really excited to make sushi in our new kitchen next month but even more excited to be able to share the fun with one of y’all. Good luck!

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