Another month, another Ipsy bag! This month’s design is on a canvas print bag and although its cute it’s not very summer-y –  I feel like the bags is something that makes Ipsy unique.
Here’s what’s inside:

NYX Whipped Lip and Cheek Souffle $6

I do not like this on my lips AT ALL! It’s way to pink for my taste and the texture feels odd to me. However – I do think it gives a nice flush on the cheeks and I will use it for that.

Margaret Dabbs Nail Polish $17.84

I enjoy receiving nail polishes and think this is a fun color for summer but the price point is much higher than I would be ok spending on a nail polish so I will not be purchasing from this line in the future.

theBalm Blush  $21

Use code IPSY20 to save 20% off the entire website
I feel like The Balm is one of the featured products almost every bag. This shade is a nice enough neutral but I’m just not a fan of this brand – nothing special enough to make me purchase.

Hey Honey Mud Mask $54
Use code HeyHoneyUncover to save 20% off the entire website

I think this is the nicest smelling mud mask I have ever tried! Otherweise it does the same thing most other mud masks do and the price is a little steep for a mask IMO.

Cake Beauty Body Lotion $14

Ordinarily I do not like beauty products that smell like food but this one is not overly strong and I think coconut is approiate for summer. The price on this is pretty reasonable and I like the texture of the lotion – not too thick, not too watery. I’ve tossed this into my purse to stay moisturized this summer.
Overall another good Ipsy month. Even when I decide a product isn’t for me it’s still fun to try. Ipsy subscriptions cost $10 monthly which includes shipping and I highly recommend it.

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