I feel like Memorial Day is really the kickoff to summer but if you want to be technical yesterday was the first day of summer and it got me thinking about how I change up my beauty routine for summer. I know that it’s recommended to change up beauty routines seasonally but I find that I can get away with the same routine for fall, spring and winter  – but summer is a different story and I find myself with different needs during the hot and humid Memphis summer months. Here’s some of my summer beauty favorites.

I love this lotion because it’s not to thick but not watery thin and it does a good job of keeping skin soft and moisturized without being greasy – plus the nice light sea scent is great for this time of year.

This shampoo scrub is great once a week for gently deep cleansing and get hair squeaky clean – I find it really preps hair to accept the moisture of a conditioner so I usually leave mine on for a few minutes before rinsing and have super silky hair. I don’t use a lot of hair products but I do have an oily scalp and I just feel more “dirty” during the summer as I sweat more so I like once a week doing a little more than just a regular shampoo.

Ok, I love this mask year round but I find it super helpful after a day in the sun. On my recent beach trip I got a little too much sun on my shoulders and this provided great relief.

Between more sun exposure and sweating more I feel like my scalp just needs a little more love in the summer and this shampoo and conditioner feels soothing while still making my hair feel nice.
I’ll admit – I’m not the best at wearing sunscreen all the time but during the summer I spend more time exposed to the sun either outside or through my office window so I make sure to use a moisturizer with spf – this one is lightweight, affordable and doesn’t have a scent.
In general I tend to wear less makeup during the summer but I will be drawn to more mineral based cosmetics during this season. Be it on the beach or just running errands around town I try to keep myself protected from the havoc the summer heat can cause.

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