Mommy Lhey Little Bits June 2017

Since the move and realizing how many craft supplies I already have I’ve been trying to cut back on my crafting / planning supplies spending but I still really enjoy receiving my Mommy Lhey Little Bits box as a monthly treat.

The June box had a wonderfully bright and cheery tropical theme, look at all the goodness included inside:

Yes, I know it’s a lot for one photo – here’s a breakdown of all the items:

The patterned papers
This is the 4th month in a rom Mommy Lhey has included a traveler’s notebook cover in the kit – this month’s is yellow which is perfect for summer. There’s a cactus clip, sequins, puffy stickers, journaling cards, a pen pouch and a pineapple notepad.
That’s not all! We also received a pineapple pen, washi tape, a flamingo planner charm, stamps, die cuts and eight sticker sheets.
I used the stickers and washi for my planner layout this week:
This kit is about $30 shipped and ships the last week of the month. Sign ups are currently open for August boxes , you have until July 18th if you’d like to join.
Mommy Lhey also recently had a summer sale and offered some grab bags and past kits, which of course I had to take advantage of. This Parisian themed set was the November 2016 box, this grab bag is missing the clip, charm and notepad that came with the full kit. I’m in LOVE!
I also purchased the January 2017 kit which has a fun photo theme
The quality and cute style is consistent among all the kits but it’s interesting to see how the kit has evolved as the subscription base has increased. Purchasing products is all about volume discounts so has there have been more subscribers Mommy Lhey has been able to increase the amount of stuff in the kits – like offering a pouch and TN cover in each kit. I’ve never met her but this tells me a lot about Lhey as a person – the kit has always been a great value so she could have just let her margin increase as she received volume discounts – but of course I love that she increased the value of each box to her subscribers.
I’m so glad to subscribe to this kit and receiving it each months brings a big smile and warm fuzzies as I know the love that goes into each kit. I cannot recommend this kit enough!

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