Plus Size Boudoir

I’ve had this post on my idea
list for months and each month I find myself hesitating and pushing to the next
list but somehow the timing now just feels good.
Before the wedding I booked a
bridal boudoir session – to me this served two main purposes one was the
obvious to have some sexy pictures for my husband but two and the reason I
think other ladies should book a session is to feel glamorous, sexy and confident
going into the wedding. Of course, I don’t think you need to be getting married
to do a session but for me that timing just felt right.
This isn’t going to be a picture
heavy posts – the whole point was to have pictures for my husband and I think
that takes away the specialness if I share them all with the world; also I only
have physical copies of the photos, no digitals. But I do think it’s important
that if I’m going to write this post to share a few images so please understand
the quality of a picture of a picture isn’t the best but you get the idea. The
goal here is less to show off the results of the session but more so to discuss
the experience. Keep in mind I’m only showing you the PG-13 pics, this is the internet after all.
I’ve been in several wedding chats and with boudoir becoming more popular the topic frequently comes up and I see sooooooo many women talk about their insecurities or what they would need to change about their body before they would do a session. Here’s the deal – fat, thin, tall, short, tan, pale, scared, tattooed, ect married women have sex. Our society has such a weird stigma with sex and while in general the details of a couples sex life should remain private the fact that they are having sex shouldn’t be anything shocking or something we can’t talk about. Popular culture tells us that when a woman feels good about her body she enjoys sex more and from my own personal experience I completely agree with this. I have never seen women tear
themselves down more or put their lives on hold more than when it comes to
appearance. At any point in time I don’t think many of us want where are life
is right now at this very moment to be where it is forever – not with our jobs,
not with our family and not with our experiences. We make plans, we have dream
and those plans and dreams in addition to where we are right now defines us.
Growing up our parents didn’t tell us to not bother reading because we weren’t
ready to read Ulysses -we started off with picture book, then words, small
phrases, and on and on until we learned how to read and could handle more
complicated subject matter. Yet when a woman doesn’t look the way she wants she
often is told by society, or tells herself to put her life on hold – instead of a world of plans it’s a world of don’ts.
Look, I’m not trying to glamourize unhealthy habits I can certainly admit that I am too short on the carrots and too heavy on the cake in my life but I don’t see how feeling bad about my body is going to want to make me take care of it more. It’s easy to look at a plus size woman and say oh, she’s unhealthy but its not that simple – I for example have excellent blood pressure and don’t have any conditions requiring medication. I think we as a society need to focus less on how we look and more on how we feel and what we can do. We don’t need to tell ourselves or other women that they aren’t worth anything – and that includes feeling sexy and confident.
So, onto the experience. My particular session was done in the private home of the female photographer. Her “studio” is basically a spare bedroom in her home and she had it set up with a bed, two armchairs, a tufted ottoman and a vanity – basically plenty of furniture for various posses. My session included hair and makeup which I loved. I brought five different outfits and we did several poses with each outfit.
Because this was a bridal boudoir session I included the corset I planned on wearing on my wedding day / night, my bridal tiara and veil. We did several of these pictures but the window to get the natural light to give that soft bridal glow. Since these pics were supposed to be a gift for my husband I also did some themed around his favorite football team – For some I wore one of his jerseys and others I took the jersey off and used green and gold pom poms as props – honestly the pom pom pics are some of my favorite but sorry – I’m not going to share them here but trust me – it’s really cute. I did two outfits that I already own and I know my husband likes and did some poses with them on the bed or the ottoman draped in sheer curtains. My last outfit was more for the making me feel glamorous part of the session – a hot pink peignoir set that’s honestly not very revealing but makes me feel glamorous as hell. Between hair, makeup and photos my session last a little over three hours and honestly it was more fun than I expected. I mean yes, you are practically if not all the way naked in front of a stranger but I’ve had massages – it’s not like I’ve never been in front of a stranger in nothing but my underwear before. I’m such a girly girl and my session definitely played into that but I don’t think you have to be super girly if that’s not your thing. My photographer had a ton of outfits I could have worn but I chose to bring my own.
If you liked playing dress up as a little girl than I think this is something that regardless of your current size you will find yourself enjoying more than you thought – and if your spouse likes seeing you without your clothes on, and to my understanding most do, than they will enjoy the results as well.
Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram.

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