California Closets Memphis

So pretty much every blogger and their mother is posting about sales today so I thought I’d approach cyber Monday from a different angle and talk about what to do with all your fab purchases once they arrive. If you’re anything like me you have a bench at the foot if you bed piled with a bunch of clothes that need to be hung up / put away. Don’t get me wrong – my closet has come a long way between moving and purging but there’s still some disorganization which leads to clothes, shoes and purses spilling out into other parts of the house. 
When we first started looking at homes a custom closet was pretty high on our wish list but when we found the perfect home the builder had just finished we knew we had to pick our battles when it came to asking for more work when making our offer and as much as I hate the wire rack closets I figured re-doing a closet down the line would be easier than say building out the bonus room; it turns out I was right because California Closets has just opened an office in Memphis
I was so excited to see a real life California Closet because our two year home priority list is painting,  more landscaping and the master bedroom closet. I think when a lot of people hear custom closet they think $$$$$ and oh, that’s for people who have closets the size of a room. Yes, if you go to the California Closets website you will see lots of beautiful examples of closets you could live in but there’s plenty of less extravagent options as well. California Closets will have a show room in 2018 but for now you can see their beautiful work at the Vesta Home Show at Chapel Cove
Because it’s a home show this closet of course has all the top of the line features – tilted shelves for shoes, shelf lighting, display cabinet, velvet lines drawers, slide out laundry bins and even a pull out garnet rack for when you’re packing (or pulling pieces for a blog photo shoot). 
This closet is what is considered level 4, but customization can start simple. Level 1 closets include the shelving, level 2 a bit of framing, level 3 start adding on some features and then of course you can go all the way. If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time you know I’m very value conscious so I never talk about something without talking price – it’s impossible to give a number based on your unknown closet but according to the designer, Sharon, closets start at around $2,500. One cool thing I like about California Closets is that you can add to your closet – so maybe next year you start with level 1 and then the next you add some features and upgrades. Of course, the biggest standout is the customization. California Closets offers free consultations and the designer will come to your home and not only measure your space but measure your clothing and take note of all you have in your closet – for example I only own a few Maxi or formal dresses so I wouldn’t need a very big long hanging area but I probably have more purses than the average woman. 
Designer Sharon Fleming showing off California Closet Features
As we’ve looked at a lot of homes lately I’ve noticed that the trend seems to be less space but more high end features. The home at Chapel Cove for example are much more expensive than  our home yet the master bedrooms are smaller with the emphasis on the entire suite – sitting areas, high end bathroom fixtures and marble and then of course custom closets. During our own search I found myself in several homes saying this is too much space – sometimes more is just more y’all. So really you could think of custom closets not just as making your life more functional and organized but also in adding a standout feature to your home – that’s how I’m pitching it to my husband anyway. 
***This is not a sponsored post and all opinions are my own, I previewed the Vesta Home Show courtesy of California Closets. As always, I never blog about anything I wouldn’t consider spending my own money on*** 
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