Morning, Noon and Night Skincare with Dr Brandt

Sometimes the other side of 30 isn’t so great y’all – especially when it comes to skin. I have to worry about blemish flare ups and anti aging and dry skin at the same time. So, you can imagine how excited I was to receive a box full of goodies from Dr Brandt.
Typically, I start off my day using the Needles No More 3-D Filler Mask , this one is one I purchased myself earlier this year. The name of this one can be a little confusing because to me when I think mask I think something you wear for 15 to 30 minutes and then wash off but this is a little different – you can wear it all night but it seems like more people wear it during the day. The “mask” basically fills in the little lines on your face – hence why there’s not more need for needles. I typically put this on after my moisturizer in the place of a primer – my makeup goes on very smooth and it doesn’t clog my pores. A little goes a long way too, I still have plenty of product left in my jar after using for two months. At $95 it’s a little pricey initial spend but considering how long it’s lasting and its effectiveness I really can’t complain about the price.

During the day I have a cup of water with the Antioxidant Water Booster. For such a small ratio of booster to water I’ve been very pleased with how much this changes the taste of the water; I have the hardest time drinking enough water so anything to make that easier on me is worth it alone since we all know drinking enough water is great for your skin – this gives the water a sweet light tea taste, only it has no sugar or calories. The booster is loaded with anti oxidants including goji berry extract – goji berries are pretty expensive on their own so drinking this instead of eating them is a great idea in my opinion.  
One a week at night I use the Magnetight mask to really give my skin a deep cleanse – this one is fun because the mask never dries onto the skin, it always stays a bit tacky and when the time is done it’s removed with a magnet. This mask also leaves behind a light oily residue which I just massage into the skin and use as my moisturizer that night. A little also goes a long way on this one and there are several size jars available so you can spend $24 instead of $75 at once if that how you prefer to shop.
The rest of the nights of the week I use the Hydro Biotic Sleep Mask. I was super skeptical when I received this product but it’s not like a regular mask – it’s super light, in fact the jar practically feels empty when you pick it up. I spread a thin layer across my face and let it soak I before going to sleep – this has been great at getting rid of my winter dry skin. I even used it on my husband’s super flaky forehead and he woke up with the flakes gone – if I’m being honest it bothers me more than him so I was glad to share the product. At $52 a jar I think this is pretty reasonable for a mask  / nighttime moisturizer and I plan on purchasing again.
I’ve always been very impressed with the Dr Brandt line and these products were no exception; maybe being over 30 isn’t so terrible after all!
PS: you can check out my entire nighttime routine on my Instagram account in the stories under beauty highlights. I tend to mix save and splurge items in my beauty process and in my routine I’m showing some of the items I save on so that I can splurge for high quality items.
***This post contains both products I have paid for with  my own money and products sent to me complementary for review purposes, all opinions are my own. Dr Brandt Skincare is a line I enjoy using and the price points are what I consider reasonable when spending my own money***

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